
Hi and welcome to my little corner of the internet!

I started this blog to share my journey to and in the financial services in New Zealand. The more I learn about finances and money, the more I believe it is a topic that we should talk about more openly. I’m hoping that by sharing what I’ve learnt so far (and keep learning along the way!) I can help you feel empowered to take control over your finances, like I feel like I’ve been able to do!

I’m currently studying a Bachelor of Business majoring in Financial Planning and Advising through Massey University. I have a couple of years to go as I’m only studying as much as I can with my two little girls around. I’m very much enjoying the studies and have had great success with my courses. In order to be able to provide financial advise in New Zealand I will also study a Certificate in Business Studies – The Financial Services Pathway, also provided by Massey University. In case you’re interested I will add a list of courses I’ve studied for the Bachelor at the bottom of this page.

In the blog I hope to write about a wide range money related topics and I’m absolutely open for suggestions, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

I just want to say thank you for coming and I hope what I write is of interest and help to you!


Ps. If you’d like to read how I became interested in finances and my money journey, head over to my Introductory post!