Free Online Resources To Learn About Money

Money matters are something that are not adequately taught anywhere, I think we all can agree on that. Luckily, the online world is full of great, and most importantly, free resources to learn about money. This list is a great place to start, but by no means exhaustive!

Also, I would like to point out that this list favours New Zealand and Australian based resources, because that’s where my main audience live AND because the personal finance content that is online from these countries is well regulated with consumer protection in mind.

Resources for money matters in general

Love of Finance of course! I write about all things money related. Investing, money management, teaching kids about money etc.

Live Sorted has a wealth of tools and guides relating to personal finances. They have calculators for debt, savings and KiwiSaver and their guides will help you from budgeting to retirement with a lot of other resources linked.

Frances Cook’s Money Answers column on Business Desk. Frances Cook is a financial journalist who has also written two money books (Tales From A Financial Hot Mess and Your Money, Your Future). In her column she answers readers’ questions about money and the information she gives is great.

Mary Holm’s Q&A column on NZ Herald. Mary Holm is a long standing financial columnist in New Zealand, awarded for her work in financial literacy education. She has written several books (like Rich Enough? A Laid-back Guide to Every Kiwi). She was also a founding director of Financial Markets Authority and has been in various Government advisory groups, for example for the development of the KiwiSaver fund finder tool on website (linked above). She is a wealth of knowledge and answers people’s money questions on NZ Herald. The Herald column is paywalled but you can read the columns on Mary’s own website, linked above.

Sugarmammat.TV YouTube channel is a great video based money resource. Canna Campbell is an Australian financial adviser who shares videos on all things money on her channel.

The internet is full of free online resources about money
What is your favourite free online resources to learn about money?

Resources for investing in shares

Money King NZ offers a lot of great posts about investing, and comparisons of different investing platforms in New Zealand.

Simply Wall St is an investment analysis platform helping you make better investment decisions. You can sign up on a free plan with limited access, but it should be more than sufficient for a regular investor. Simply Wall St looks at company fundamentals and uses current available company data to evaluate for example the current share price and future prospects. It won’t tell you what to invest in, but it is a tool you can use to make investment decisions. They also provide current articles.

Yahoo Finance is another great resources to find company data to make investment decisions. Compared to Simply Wall St above, Yahoo Finance just provides company data to use to make your own calculations and estimations, where as Simply Wall St does their own calculations and estimations.

Hatch Learn has some great beginner friendly information about investing. They also have a free Getting Started course.

Sharesies Learn similarly has a lot of great articles on basic investing concepts, and all of them are very beginner friendly.

Resources for investing in property

Opes Partners’ guide to property investing. A great little guide that explains the main property investment strategies and the steps in the process.

The Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (or REINZ) website. They publish data on what is happening in the New Zealand property market. Some data is publicly available, some you need to pay for it you want the information though.

Instagram accounts to follow

My account ! I share more digestible tid bits of finance information around the same topics as here on the blog, plus try to be nice and active in the stories.

Frances Cook is a great follow on Instagram (@francescooknz), so is Canna Campbell (@sugarmammatv).

Girls That Invest is a great follow too (@girlsthatinvest), sharing current share market news and other money thoughts.

@teachgirlsmoney is run by Laurel and she shares how to teach your daughters the things about money that they need to know to get a head start in adulthood.

You get to pick your favourite format out of all the free online resources there are about money
There is so much free online resources about money available you get to pick the format that suits you best to learn

Podcasts to listen

(Disclaimer, I’m actually not a big podcast listener and the only money podcast I have personally listened is Cooking the Books. So, I will just put up a list for information for you to sample and find one or more you like!)

Cooking the Books by Frances Cook – Interviews with all sorts of money experts in all sorts of money topics listeners want to hear about.

Girls That Invest

Raising the Curve

Cheques & Balances

The Property Academy

Fireplay by Canna Campbell

She’s On The Money

… plus many, many more!

If you know of a great free online resource to learn about money, share it in the comments and I’ll add it to these lists for others to check out!



My aim is to empower people to take control of their finances by helping them understand money. The blog is full of information and concepts explained related to all things money and finance. You can also find tips to other sources of information about money like personal finance books.

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