Informed Investor – Autumn 2022 Recap

Informed Investor is a New Zealand personal finance and investment magazine. There are four issues per year, each having their own theme the issue centres around. Each issue is full of current money related articles from a New Zealand point of view. Informed Investor is easy to read and has something for everyone, no matter where the reader is in their money journey. Read more here.

(This recap is not endorsed by Informed Investor, I sampled the magazine at my local library before making a decision to subscribe for 2 years and paid for it myself.)

The Autumn 2022 issue’s theme is Money & Relationships, and I was very excited about it. Money can be such a trigger point in relationships, which is why it’s an important topic to discuss about with your significant other.

Informed Investor magazine with a cup of tea next to it
Informed Investor Autumn issue is my me time!

My favorite write ups within the theme were:

  • Living together: Money apart

One of my money related insecurities is the fact that 7 years, 2 kids and a house later we still haven’t combined finances with my partner (and are not planning to). There’s some personal finance experts who are adamant that finances should be combined, so it’s nice to read a piece that agrees that each to their own, or in this case, each couple to their own. I touch on this here as well.

  • Mini-me Millionaire

Investing for my children is definitely something I think about but haven’t done yet. I haven’t been able to decide how I should go about it, KiwiSaver, managed fund or some ETFs… So I like to read articles about the topic for ideas.

  • Splitsville: Who gets the house?

While I’m not planning on separating and hope I never need to, I think it’s good to know how splitting the property you’ve accumulated while together will go. If/when we do get married getting a prenup will be on the table and seriously discussed.

Photo of table of contents from the Informed investor Autumn 2022 issue
So full of great money articles!

Other personal highlights for me in this issue were:

  • The winners and losers of inflation
  • The risks you may not see (The article is about wholesale investment schemes)
  • When a builder wants more money (The article is about buying off of plans)
  • How to set up an Airbnb
  • Will rate rises cause a crash?

There is a lot more than these in the issue, which I enjoyed very much. Looking forward to the Winter issue when it comes out!

Have you read the Autumn 2022 issue of Informed Investor? Which articles did you enjoy?



My aim is to empower people to take control of their finances by helping them understand money. The blog is full of information and concepts explained related to all things money and finance. You can also find tips to other sources of information about money like personal finance books.

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