Review of Girls That Invest by Simran Kaur

Simran Kaur is one half of the duo behind the world wide phenomenon of Girls That Invest podcast. Her latest undertaking was to put her knowledge into a book form, and so, I wanted to share my thoughts and review of Girls That Invest book.

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First of all, Girls That Invest podcast’s main goal is to teach the importance and basics of investing, especially to women and minorities.

Their social media platforms have big followings from all around the world, and they regularly speak publicly as well.

Simran also writes a financial column for (a New Zealand news page), you can find her latest write up here.

What is the book about?

The front cover of Girls That Invest book by Simran Kaur
My review of the book is that it’s a great read for everyone who has ever thought of investing

Girls That Invest book aims to cut through all the financial jargon surrounding investing and making it simple and easy to understand for everybody, and especially encouraging women and minorities to begin investing.

The book is full of helpful analogies to explain the sharemarket and investing, with good visual graphics to drive in the points that she is making.

Each chapter gives you actionable steps and if followed as you read, you should be set up as an investor by the end of the book.

While Girls That Invest ladies are (originally) a New Zealand based duo, the book has been written with their worldwide audience in mind, and the book’s steps can be followed from anywhere you might based.

Here is a sneak peak to the content you can find in the book:

  • Misconceptions that hold us back from investing
  • Stockmarket 101
  • The female investor
  • … and much more
the back cover of Girls That Invest by Simran Kaur
Even if you have already started investing, this book can help you adjust your investing strategy

My review of Girls That Invest

Girls That Invest is a great book for anybody who has ever been scared of investing, unsure on how to do it, or hesitant in anyway.

Even if you have some knowledge about investing, this book is great as a reminder of basic strategies around investing and it can help you align your strategy.

The book is very easy to read and follow. It clearly cuts through all the financial jargon and explains everything in an easy to understand way.

I wasn’t quite sure how much I would get out of this book, considering I have been studying investing for a couple of years now.

But it actually helped me quite a bit by reminding me how simple it can be, and helped me see through the analysis paralysis I often find myself battling with.

I was even compelled to do the actionable steps myself, even though I’m usually not that kind of person.

I think this book has really helped me when it comes to aligning my own investing strategy, and it is absolutely a wealth of knowledge to someone new, or relatively new to investing.

Thinking that investing is too hard is a popular myth that holds most of us back from getting started

Simran Kaur

I highly recommend you read this book if investing has ever crossed your mind but you thought it wasn’t for you, or you didn’t know where to start.

Now you know, you start here, with this book. Investing is for everyone, and so so important important for your financial health.

You can get your own copy here* for example if you’re NZ based, or here* if you’re anywhere else.

And here you can find a list of other great reads, and links to my reviews on them!

Have you read Girls That Invest yet? If yes, what did you thin? If not, will you?



My aim is to empower people to take control of their finances by helping them understand money. The blog is full of information and concepts explained related to all things money and finance. You can also find tips to other sources of information about money like personal finance books.

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