Review of Kill Your Mortgage And Sort Your Retirement by Hannah McQueen

Hannah McQueen is the founder of, a company in New Zealand helping people to get a handle of their finances. I wanted to share my review of Kill Your Mortgage and Sort Your Retirement by her.

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Who is Hannah McQueen

Hannah’s trigger to start was her own financial journey, and specifically becoming a home owner. She realised how much interest they would have to pay on their home during the life of the loan, and became focused on finding out how to get rid of it faster.

Since then she, and her team, have helped 1000s of people to get on top of their finances and to reach their goals.

review of kill your mortgage and sort your retirement by Hannah McQueen
My review of Kill Your Mortgage And Sort Your Retirement by Hannah McQueen

What is the book about

As you might guess, Kill Your Mortgage and Sort Your Retirement is a book on how to get on top of your finances, get rid of your mortgage and be ready for retirement.

The book is split into five parts:

  • Money and you
  • Kill your mortgage
  • Wealth creation
  • Retirement
  • Other factors

Hannah goes through everything you need to do, and the steps she herself takes with her clients, to get your money affairs in order.

She shares client situation examples to illustrate what is possible and goes into quite a bit of detail on the advice given in the book.

Kill Your Mortgage And Sort Your Retirement emphasises getting rid off your mortgage and the importance of understanding the psychology behind your spending.

back cover of Kill Your Mortgage And Sort Your Retirement
Hannah McQueen calls herself a Financial Personal Trainer

My review of Kill Your Mortgage And Sort Your Retirement

I’ll be honest, I nearly wrote my review of Kill Your Mortgage And Sort Your Retirement a week ago without having finished reading it.

I was halfway through the book and was quite impressed by it, I thought it was very thorough.

And the fact that the book is written by someone who works with clients on money matters long term, gives a little bit of different perspective compared to some other personal finance books I’ve read lately.

But then I read something that changed my view of the book a bit, and I decided to finish the book (in case of other surprises) before I wrote this review.

I like that the book starts with the focus on understanding your spending habits and making a point that in a relationship, your partner’s spending habits matter too.

The book had a big emphasis on paying off mortgage and creating wealth through investment properties and business ownership, which was different compared to some other personal finance books.

What surprised and kind of shocked me was Hannah’s attitude to shares.

While I understand that the book is a little bit outdated being published in 2015 and the likes of Sharesies weren’t around yet, to make it easier for the everyday investors like you and me, still her attitude seems a bit ill-informed at best and biased at worst.

If you don’t count the bizarre attitude towards shares, this book is a great read. Very detailed and should easily help you get on top of your finances.

I also like how it gives quite detailed information when it comes to property investment and buying and starting a business.

I would just completely disregard what Hannah says about shares, and rather read something that gives you a better, more accurate and up-to-date information on how and why you should invest in them. I recommend you read Girls That Invest by Simran Kaur (here is my review of the book) if you haven’t read it already.

Financial success favours the brave and those who have a well thought-out plan.

Hannah McQueen

You can find your copy of the book *here if you are NZ based, or *here if you are anywhere else in the world (or would like the Kindle version).

As always, you can find all my book reviews here.

Have you read Kill Your Mortgage and Sort Your Retirement? If yes, what did you think? If not, do you think you will? Let me know in the comments!



My aim is to empower people to take control of their finances by helping them understand money. The blog is full of information and concepts explained related to all things money and finance. You can also find tips to other sources of information about money like personal finance books.

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