Review Of Pocket Money To Property By Hannah McQueen

Hannah McQueen is the founder of, a company in New Zealand helping people to get a handle on their finances. I wanted to share my review of Pocket Money To Property, her second book.

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Who is Hannah McQueen

Hannah’s trigger to start was her own financial journey, and specifically becoming a home owner. She realised how much interest they would have to pay on their home during the life of the loan, and became focused on finding out how to get rid of it faster.

Since then she, and her team, have helped 1000s of people to get on top of their finances and to reach their goals.

During this time, there was one thing that she noticed that many of her clients had in common, and that was financially dependent adult children, who were detrimental to their parents’ financial wellbeing.

This was her trigger to write Pocket Money To Property.

My review of Pocket Money to Property by Hannah McQueen, front cover
My review of Pocket Money To Property by Hannah McQueen

What is Pocket Money To Property about

Pocket Money to Property aims to help you raise your kids into financial literate adults.

The book explores how children learn best about money and why it is important to teach them from the get go. The conclusions are supported by studies.

The contents are split into a type of introduction on the topic and then into advice based on age groups starting from 5-9 and going up to 23-30.

The advice in each age group is divided into objectives, key conversations and other developments, and explores each point further giving a clear idea on how to talk about money to your kids.

The different topics through the ages include how to earn money, career and study planning, debt, buying a house, money and relationship and so on.

Review of Pocket Money to Property by Hannah McQueen, back cover of the book
Pocket Money to Property aims to help you raise your children into financially literate adults

My review of Pocket Money to Property

I thought that the book was really thorough. Hannah had gone through the trouble of doing research and conducting interviews, then shared what she learned from those in the book.

The structure of the book made it easy to read, and I really liked that she had grouped the advice into age groups based on the children.

Each age group had the objectives, key conversation topics and other developments, which she then expanded on throughout the specific chapter.

This makes Pocket Money to Property a great reference book as your children grow and you can revisit the chapters.

The biggest takeaways for me personally were the points she made around helping your children understand what the life they want to live will cost, and how they can fund it.

Hannah points out that due to the rising cost of attending tertiary education, it is important for our kids to have an idea where their studies will lead.

Will what they study lead to a career that will pay their desired lifestyle?

Or will they just end up with an expensive degree, 10,000s of dollars in debt and then realising that the career they have ahead of them either isn’t for them or won’t cover what they want from life.

While the book was great and I will definitely re-read portions as my kids grow for inspiration, it didn’t really give a lot of information on investing. While the topic was mentioned, she didn’t go into detail.

This is of course partly because the book first came out in 2017, before micro investing wasn’t really that available, and partly (probably) because of the authors attitude towards share investing in general.

I wasn’t surprised by this at all, as her bizarre attitude (as a person working in finance, if you ask me) towards share investing was already clear from her first book (my review of it here).

Despite this, I do recommend reading this book if you have children, or plan to have them in the future. I would just suggest to get your information on share investing from somewhere else.

Our financial landscape is moving fast, and our kids are getting left behind.

Hannah Mcqueen

You can find a copy of this book *here.

And you can find my other book reviews here.

Have you read Pocket Money to Property? What did you think of it? Or, if you haven’t, do you think you will?



My aim is to empower people to take control of their finances by helping them understand money. The blog is full of information and concepts explained related to all things money and finance. You can also find tips to other sources of information about money like personal finance books.

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