Review Of She’s On The Money

Victoria Devine, the author of She’s On The Money is a recently retired Australian financial adviser. Here’s my review of She’s On The Money, her debut book.

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Who is Victoria Devine

As mentioned above, Victoria Devine is a retired Australian financial adviser.

This might make you think she is an elderly person, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. She’s a proud millennial on a mission to spread the financial knowledge.

Victoria is the founder and the host of a popular Australian personal finance podcast She’s on the Money with active social media platforms.

Her aim is to empower and encourage especially young women to take charge of their financial futures by teaching about personal finance.

My review of She's On the Money, front cover of the book
She’s On The Money will help you be in charge of your financial future

What is She’s On The Money about

She’s On The Money is a personal finance book, helping you to take charge of your financial future.

The book goes through all your money basics from budgeting, debt, buying a house, investing to a bit more specific topics like estate planning, side hustles, family planning and relationships and money.

The book has little summaries after each chapter and some chapters have exercises and space to write your answers to the questions or prompts.

End of each chapter also has some real life experiences from people of the She’s on the Money community.

At the end of the book you can find a 12 month plan to get your finances sorted, broken down to monthly tasks.

My review of She's On The Money, the back cover of the book
My review of She’s On The Money is that I highly recommend it!

My review of She’s On The Money

I’ll be honest, although I have been aware of She’s on the Money podcast for almost as long as I have been interested in personal finance, I was never really interested to follow any of it.

Podcasts are not really my thing, I’ve tried, but they are just not, so I didn’t bother with She’s on the Money.

And to be completely honest, if it wasn’t for this blog, I wouldn’t have even read this book.

When I started Love of Finance, I started to follow She’s on the Money on Instagram and it has mainly been events, book tours and lead up to the launch of Victoria’s second book that focuses on investing.

I found the content on their Instagram account boring, repetitive and uninteresting. And it really didn’t make me interested to read this book.

But. I’m so beyond glad that I did read this book. It has surprised me very positively!

Victoria’s style of writing is very encaging and easy to read.

I like that she’s is also a financial advisor (or at least used to be) so she has real experience helping people with their financial goals long term.

She had also included some great chapters with topics like side hustles, family planning, relationships and money and estate planning, and has gone into them in more depth compared to some other personal finance books that might have mentioned these topics, if at all.

It was a great reminder to me on why I read multiple seemingly similar personal finance books, as I feel I got a lot from this book too despite the topic being very familiar. The power of different perspective indeed!

All in all, this book was a great read. It was encaging and motivating and I especially liked the chapters with the topics that are a bit less spoken in the personal finance space.

I also really enjoyed the personal experiences of Victoria’s community members, I thought it was a great touch!

This book of course focuses on the Australian setting, so some chapters were less relevant to me than others (for example the chapter on superannuation), but there was plenty of information that can be applied anywhere.

I can happily recommend this book, and I’m now very excited to read her investing book in the near future!

If the people surrounding you seem better off, remember that they may have debt, privilege or both.

Victoria Devine

You can find your own copy *here if you are in New Zealand, or *here if you are anywhere else (or just prefer the Kindle version).

And you can find the list of other books I’ve written a review for here.

Have you read She’s On The Money? Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments!



My aim is to empower people to take control of their finances by helping them understand money. The blog is full of information and concepts explained related to all things money and finance. You can also find tips to other sources of information about money like personal finance books.

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