Review Of Sort Your Career Out

My graduation is getting close (November 2023!) and I have started to shift my focus to looking for a new job! This includes reading what I can as I am facing the change from hospitality to the corporate world. It feels a bit intimidating! So here’s my review on Sort Your Career Out by Glen James and Shelley Johnson.

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About the authors

Glen James is the founder of My Millenial Money, a popular Australian finance education podcast. My Millenial Money has expanded into multiple other podcasts, one of which focuses on careers and is hosted by Shelley Johnson.

Glen James is a former financial adviser and has worked for others in the industry but has also gone through starting his own company and now employs others.

Shelley Johnson is an HR consultant with years of experience of working for different kinds of companies and hosting the My Millenial Career podcast, helping others with their work problems.

My review of Sort Your Career Out, front cover pictured
Sort Your Career Out is a practical guide to getting the career you want

What is Sort Your Career Out about

Sort Your Career Out is, surprise surprise, your guide to a more fulfilling career alongside a happy life.

The book walks you through how to choose your career and job in the first place, how to create career opportunities and goals, tips for resumes, interviews and networking plus how to resign well.

Sort Your Career Out includes chapters like:

  • Values: where it all begins
  • Strength and skills: harder, better, faster, stronger
  • I’ll make my own opportunities, thanks
  • Could anything else go wrong in my career right now?
  • …and many more

Each chapter has related exercises and space to write your thoughts, plus there are Q-codes at the end of every chapter to access further resources, for example a list of the types of job interviews you might encounter so you can prepare yourself.

You’ll also find example experiences of other people with some commentary on how the story relates to section of the book.

Both Glen and Shelley also share their own experiences, careers and how they ended up doing what they are currently doing.

My review Sort Your Career Out, back cover pictured
Do I recommend? Read on for my review of Sort Your Career Out!

My review of Sort Your Career Out

I wasn’t sure what to expect of Sort Your Career Out, I had never read a book about working or career before.

I also had no previous experience with the My Millenial Money brand (beyond knowing of it by name) and Sort Your Money Out (Glen’s first book) is one of the few fairly popular personal finance books I haven’t read yet.

I have to say I was positively surprised with Sort Your Career Out!

The book was easy to read, written a bit tongue in the cheek keeping it all fun and light.

The four first chapters of the book are dedicated to values, mindset discovering your strengths and skills.

I’ll be honest, the first couple of chapters made me question if I’d find any value in the book.

But I was determined to read the whole thing, because I’ve read a personal finance book before that surprised me towards the end and changed my thoughts about the book completely (I’m looking at you Kill Your Mortgage And Sort Your Retirement!).

What did I have to lose anyway?

But by the fourth chapter, which is about strengths and skills, I was excited to read the whole book.

I had had many little bulb moments and was really starting to look at my future career, and what I wanted from it, from a different perspective.

The rest of the book is a bit more practical with useful tips, such as how to deal with different interview questions, how to network, how to have tough conversations at work and so on.

I ended up enjoying this book very much! I’ll be referring to it through out my job search (and beyond!) and filling in the exercises in the book (I never do that!).

This book has given me a great confidence boost when it comes to looking for a job in a completely new industry and better direction of what to look for in a job in the first place.

I absolutely recommend this to everyone, careers and work are such a big part of our life that it really pays to put thought into it, from a mental health perspective as well!

A little note though, Sort Your Career Out has been written from a perspective that you already are in the workforce, rather than specifically finding your first job.

But, even if it was your first job that you are looking for, I do think that reading this book will be beneficial!

You can get your own copy *here.

You don’t serve your career; your career has to serve you.

Shelley Johnson

You can also find a list of all the books I have written a review of in here.

What are you currently reading? Let me know in the comments! I’m always looking for something new to read!



My aim is to empower people to take control of their finances by helping them understand money. The blog is full of information and concepts explained related to all things money and finance. You can also find tips to other sources of information about money like personal finance books.

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