Review Of The Female Investor

A while back my local Paperplus had a sale so I bought a few personal finance books. One of them was this book about property investing, so I thought I’d get it to share my thoughts on it. So here’s my review of The Female Investor by Nicola McDougall and Kate Hill.

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Who are the authors

Nicola McDougall is a journalist specialising in the property market and a successful property investor.

Kate Hill is also a successful property investor herself, but also a buyers’ agent and a qualified property investment adviser.

Together Nicola and Kate wrote The Female Investor book and have a podcast of the same name.

review of The Female Investor, Front cover
The Female Investor is a property investment book for women

What is The Female Investor about

The Female Investor is a property investment book, specifically targeted towards females, to help create financial security and freedom through property investing.

The reason why Nicola and Kate specifically want to encourage women to invest in property is that women in generally are disadvantaged when it comes to finances.

The sad Australian statistics show that elderly women are more likely to be homeless or live in poverty compared to elderly men.

They want to help women create financial security and freedom by putting all the property investment dos and don’ts between same covers in an easy to understand way.

The book goes through all things you need to think about when you are buying an investment property, and how that is different from buying a home for yourself.

Chapter topics range from when and where to buy to when to sell, giving you practical tips and to-do lists after each chapter.

Review of The Female Investor, Back cover
My review of the book: Recommend! I will surely re-read in the future

My review of The Female Investor

The Female Investor is written from an Australian perspective but aims to give general fundamentals of property investing so the advice can be implemented anywhere in the world.

I think The Female Investor delivers well in what it aims to do, inspire women to invest in property and help make it feel more attainable.

The book gives a lot of good information on all the things you should think about when investing in property, including a great list of professionals that you can hire to help you, all the while saying that it is possible to go at it alone as well.

The book’s focus is on the actual property that would be a good investment, what kind of property to buy, where to buy and why use the criteria they give.

The amount of background work required to buy an investment property (if you are doing it properly and with thought!) can feel overwhelming so I like the actionable to-do lists that are after each chapter.

I think this book is very inspiring and has me thinking about investing in property sooner than I had originally thought.

I do have to say that the book only covers the very basics and only the traditional property investment strategy: holding as a long-term rental.

I will be recommending this book to anyone who is interested in these timeless basics of investing in property and who might feel overwhelmed where to start. The Female Investor is great to keep as a handbook when investing in property, and I can definitely see myself consulting this book in the future.

So here’s our rallying cry: to be successful female investor you need to be strong, motivated and completely clear on why you’re putting yourself through this journey.

Nicola McDougall & kate hill

You can get your own copy *here for NZ buyers and *here if you are anywhere else (or would prefer the Kindle version).

You can find my other book reviews here.

Are you interested in property investing? Or have you perhaps started already? I’d love to hear in the comments!



My aim is to empower people to take control of their finances by helping them understand money. The blog is full of information and concepts explained related to all things money and finance. You can also find tips to other sources of information about money like personal finance books.

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