Tales From A Financial Hot Mess by Frances Cook

Tales From A Financial Hot Mess tells the money journey of Frances Cook (who is a financial journalist here in New Zealand), how she put her finances in order and what she learned in the process.

You might know Frances from social media, from the podcast Cooking the Books and most recently she is interviewing kiwi CEOs on Sharesies’s Shared Lunch. She also has a second book, which I will be reviewing next week!

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Front cover of Tales Of A Financial Hot Mess with a cup of tea next to it
Love a bright cover!

What you can expect of Tales From A Financial Hot Mess?

If you’re wondering where to even start getting better with money, Tales From A Financial Hot Mess is a great place to start. Frances goes through all the basics such as:

  • Ideas on how to save money
  • Paying off debt
  • KiwiSaver
  • Basics of investing and diversification
  • … and so much more

Frances is candid in sharing her own learning journey and honest about where she struggles. She has also interviewed many people who are very experienced with finances to support what she is saying.

This book is full of useful information and tips, especially for a reader from New Zealand, but they can definitely be adopted by an international reader as well.

Back cover of Tales From A Financial Hot Mess with a cup of tea next to it
A book and a hot drink is my happy place

My thoughts on the book

I enjoy this book very much and have already read it twice. I think the tips and information provided are actionable and Frances’s personal story is down to earth and relatable.

One of my favorite features of this book though is the fact that Frances is not preaching her way or a specific way of handling money. Instead, she is constantly encouraging the reader to find a way that works for them, and gives ideas on what that might be.

Tales From A Financial Hot Mess is definitely a money book that I recommend to my friends with my whole heart. You can get your own copy *here for NZ shoppers and *here for international.

I truly believe the secretiveness about money is hurting us more than it’s helping us.

Frances Cook

Have have you read Tales From A Financial Hot Mess yet? If yes, what did you think about it?



My aim is to empower people to take control of their finances by helping them understand money. The blog is full of information and concepts explained related to all things money and finance. You can also find tips to other sources of information about money like personal finance books.

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