What To Read This Weekend Part 1

I thought I’d start a new post series where I share interesting articles I find online that I think would be good reads for all of you too!

This weekend I wanted to share three money related articles (surprise!!) in case you had some downtime this Sunday.

Money Answers: How does tax work if I side hustle?

Frances Cook answers money questions at BusinessDesk and I thought this week’s one was especially interesting, and important!

Side hustling the “trendy” thing to do at the moment, so it’s important to know how tax works on this extra income.

(By the way, if you are new to the term side hustle, it just means that you make money somehow outside of your main income. This could be selling things on TradeMe, babysitting or dow walking perhaps.)

I’m paying off my mortgage in nine years on one income – here’s how

Here’s an inspiring article on Stuff.co.nz about how a two different households have paid, or are going pay their mortgages much sooner than their initial mortgage terms.

It is definitely possible, but will require sacrifice, as these people say as well.

Where money meets feelings: Financial therapy finds its footing

Financial therapy is an emerging form of therapy, setting out to help people who find it very hard to manage their behaviour when it comes to money or financial decisions.

Money has always been an emotional topic, and it might be confronting for a financial advisor to try to help with these emotions.

Financial therapist might be someone who is a financial advisor, but has also learned therapy tools to better help their clients.

While it is still an emerging field, I imagine it will only become bigger and more well known as the time goes past.

If you do have time on your hands, I would also suggest that you try to get the newest issue of Informed Investor in your hands. If you don’t want to buy one, your local library might have a copy for you to read.

Do you have a side hustle? Or have you thought of getting or creating one?

What about your mortgage? Is it just prodding along on the minimum or do you pay extra to get rid of it faster?

And have you heard of financial therapy before? I think it’s such an intriguing new field, and surely it will help a lot of people!

If you do have time to read these articles I’ve shared, I’d love to hear your thoughts on them, and especially hear how you might answer my questions above!



My aim is to empower people to take control of their finances by helping them understand money. The blog is full of information and concepts explained related to all things money and finance. You can also find tips to other sources of information about money like personal finance books.

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