Who Do You Go To For Help With Your Finances, And Other Money Questions

Have you seen the money related conversation starter cards circulating in the social media lately?

It is the Financial Service Council NZ teaming up with Hatch investment platform who brings us these downloadable cards that each have a money related question to answer.

I thought I’d do a post series of personally answering a few of these questions in each post and inviting you to share your own answer to the same question in the comments! You can download your own set here.

What would you say if someone wanted to borrow money from you?

Really depends on the person I’d say!

I have lent money to one friend and my partner, because I knew that in both cases they would do what they could to pay me back.

And they were also people who if they couldn’t pay me back, or would pay back very slowly it wouldn’t bother me too much.

What I think is important before lending money to anyone is that both are on the same page when it comes to paying the money back.

How big payments, how quickly, etc.

So if someone did ask to borrow money, I would first assess the relationship I have with this person and whether I fully trust them or not.

After I would have a conversation about how much they needed, what for, when and how they wanted to pay it back.

Who do you go to for help with your finances? Friends?
Would you lend money to a friend?

Who needs to have a will?

Most people.

Pretty much as soon as you have assets to your name or kids, you should draw up a will.

It will ensure that your wishes on how to split what you leave behind are followed, to a degree.

I’m painfully aware that my partner and I should have wills.

It is definitely on the to do-list, but not the highest priority at the moment.

I came across somebody saying online that a will is your way of deciding what happens after your death, rather than relying on what the government decides (or has already decided through legislation).

And I thought that was a very interesting way to put it!

Who do you go to for help with your finances? A professional?
Who do you go to for help with your finances, a financial adviser or a friend?

Who do you go to for help with your finances?

At the moment, nobody.

Currently I’m the most financially knowledgeable out of all the people I know, so I feel like I can’t really get help, or even really talk to anybody who would truly understand what I’m saying.

This goes to mainly all the people I know personally, and I’d say me saying this is not really to talk down on my friends, but just to show how we’re not really taught much about money AND that I’m studying to become a financial adviser so my knowledge and interest is above average through that.

I do however chat to people online, in the Instagram debt free community, especially to those who have been at it longer and have more experience with managing money, or managing more money than I have.

They are very valuable with their knowledge and the inspiration and motivation I get from them!

You can find more money questions and answers here.

I’d love to hear your answers to these questions in the comments below!



My aim is to empower people to take control of their finances by helping them understand money. The blog is full of information and concepts explained related to all things money and finance. You can also find tips to other sources of information about money like personal finance books.

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